Recent content by Dutch Phoenix

  1. Dutch Phoenix

    We interviewed Sifu Saul

    Some sad old 80 year old Virgin that thinks Joey is cool because a 55 year old wuss is tough to an 80 year old Wuss
  2. Dutch Phoenix

    Dr Crybaby Snowflake cuddles up to failed criminal

    Our resident phony pretend professor that knows nothing besides being a blackout drunken failure and waving around his Walmart AK47 has come out! Davey boy doesn’t own a home and claims he’s a former banker and college professor, oh yes indeeeeed! riddle me this QQProfessor, why does everyone...
  3. Dutch Phoenix


  4. Dutch Phoenix


    Fuhrer told us everything is propaganda! Oh yes indeeeeeed!
  5. Dutch Phoenix


    Man, woman, person, Camera TV. Am I dictator of the Qtard sister felcher militia? I won the riddle! Oh deary meeeee!
  6. Dutch Phoenix


    That’s hilarious from the Qtarded
  7. Dutch Phoenix


    Dark Brandon is freeing America from the degenerate fascist scum
  8. Dutch Phoenix


    Cheers to that! Oh yes indeed!
  9. Dutch Phoenix

    Dr Dave joins list of frauditors?

    Hes a raging douchebag Trumper. Like Donny Thimbledick he thinks hes God and smarter than everyone and lies constantly. "Oh when I said that racist thing it wasn't racist, I didn't mean that! You're just attacking me because you're jealous of my great content!"
  10. Dutch Phoenix

    New informational thread!

    No Sifu Sifu Saul loves Putin because bald midgets as his thing. He has a special role in Comrade Munchkin’s Special Elite Potato Guard
  11. Dutch Phoenix

    New informational thread!

    Sifu Saul says:
  12. Dutch Phoenix

    Frauditard disease reaches pandemic status

    Bill Clinton stole nuclear secrets and put them in Mara Lardo?!
  13. Dutch Phoenix

    We interviewed Sifu Saul

    We got to spend 24 hours with the man, the myth, the legend himself... Saul. When he's not parroting Vladimir Putin's propaganda and molesting a 20 something Taiwanese girl that made the mistake to audition for a part he trained us how to "BRAINSTEM" a muthafucka. Note Sifu has burned more...

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