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  1. Cassano

    Damn shame

    This forum was a joke when it began. Notice that the featured "frauditors" on the right haven't posted videos for months. Most have moved on to "Discord" or something because they get more immediate attention than they do here. This is no different than those wanting to start that N.A.I.R...
  2. Cassano

    Wolfman Is Live

    When you look up Narcissist in the new illustrated Webster's International Dictionary, there is a big picture of Daymond "Thief" Jones right next to it.
  3. Cassano


    Here's the thing he apparently doesn't understand. Huge shopping malls must provide lighting in their parking lots. In order to do that, public utilities must be run to accommodate the needed power. Lighting must be provided at the "curtilage" (edge) of the property as well. This does NOT make...
  4. Cassano

    Police-Citizen Contacts That Weems Guy

    Interesting. I actually know Lee Weems (Chief Deputy of Oconee County, GA Sheriff's Office). He's a fine Constitutional officer and always has been, just as his Sheriff Scott Berry is. Both fine, outstanding individuals who don't tolerate the condition of the current "police state".
  5. Cassano

    Crazy Carl: audits with daughter, gets arrested

    First of all, nobody should take a minor child on an audit, ever. Secondly, I get really weary hearing these auditors claim that the Supreme Court has ruled that they can stand a certain number of feet away form a police investigation - in this case 10 feet. The Supreme Court has NEVER made such...
  6. Cassano

    Earl's intelligence agency career after his army discharge from his own flapping lips

    That would make sense, Thanks for the response. It appears he had an 8 year commitment (roughly) with 3 years active and 5 years IRR (Individual Ready Reserve). The DoD has to count all that time toward potential retirement credits and VA eligibility for service during certain times that might...
  7. Cassano

    Earl taking Phillip out for a boat ride, in his boat?

    He has a 10 year lease on a boat slip so it stands to reason that he actually has a boat. Who, in their right mind, leases a boat slip for 10 years with no boat ? His lease runs out in 2022. Document attached. He's also been buying up real estate on donor's money.
  8. Cassano

    Earl's intelligence agency career after his army discharge from his own flapping lips

    Yeah, the system of record-keeping back then has improved a great deal with the introduction of computers. Hand written records were a pain and hard to decipher these days. I believe that would have been an ETS muster to end his Ready Reserve status, which ran from 10/09/82 to 02/12/85. Notice...
  9. Cassano

    Earl's intelligence agency career after his army discharge from his own flapping lips

    Considering there are ZERO entries in his military record, which would include activities in the Reserves, this is an absolute LIE about him being "part of an intelligence unit" for 5 or 6 years. Since his ETS (or end of active duty) was 1982, he would have still been in the intelligence unit...
  10. Cassano

    Earl David Worden Army Record P. 1

    Actually, looking again, you're right. TWO AWOL incidents.
  11. Cassano

    Earl David Worden Army Record P. 1

    I WANT TO THANK STARRMAN for sifting through this a little closer. I did a cursory examination, so my assessment might be slightly off. I've also not examined these types of records for many years, so I appreciate Starrman's clarification. And, to point out, there actually WERE two AWOLS.
  12. Cassano

    Earl David Worden Army Record P. 1

    Looking over it again, it appears you're correct. There were TWO situations of AWOL. I haven't examined these kinds of records for many, many, many, years, so I appreciate you breaking it down a bit better. On top of that I'm old. My eyes aren't what they used to be.
  13. Cassano

    Furry Potato Shooting – Guard Charge Evaluation Sheet

    You missed the part where I joined the criminal defense side. If the cops weren't paying attention when I taught them Constitutional law in the academy, they certainly did when I defeated them in court, which I did quite frequently. Why is it just because I was a cop for 20 years, you view me...
  14. Cassano

    Earl David Worden Army Record P. 1

    Exactly. It's called Ready Reserve. As I indicated, the records don't provide his actual ETS date (end term of service - active duty). Normally, in the Army, at that time, a term of service would have been 3 years active followed by 3 years Ready Reserve, and subject to recall.
  15. Cassano

    Furry Potato Shooting – Guard Charge Evaluation Sheet

    I think the article sums it up. Any sanction of the officer would depend on a lot of factors. Should every officer who does this be terminated? No. Should officers who repeatedly have disciplinary problems be penalized? Yes. Should "Police State New Jersey" follow up with a civil action? No...
  16. Cassano

    Earl David Worden Army Record P. 1

    I managed to obtain those documents through FOIA. I was going to upload them, but you got them in already. EDW enlisted in the Army on 03-28-79 under DEP (delayed enlistment program). He was active duty on 09-19-79, three days after his 18th birthday. He got Basic Training and MP Training in...
  17. Cassano

    Earl David Worden Army Record P. 1

    He only went AWOL once for a period of 6 months. I obtained the documents you've got under FOIA and I'm sure somebody else forwarded them to you. Having been in the Army (in the 70's) I'm able to decipher the record. It may appear there were two AWOL incidents, but it was only one.
  18. Cassano

    Furry Potato Shooting – Guard Charge Evaluation Sheet

    That's something that would have to be addressed by a Federal Court. As it stands, the State ruled that it was not Constitutionally protected speech or assembly and that FP violated certain State laws with her presence and actions. Whether those assertions will meet Constitutional muster would...
  19. Cassano

    Furry Potato Shooting – Guard Charge Evaluation Sheet

    I've been saying the same thing in this thread, and yet nobody seems to get it.
  20. Cassano

    Furry Potato Shooting – Guard Charge Evaluation Sheet

    Why do all of you keep beating a dead horse? The DA cited the legal reasons for NOT charging the guard. What in the world do you think will change that decision?

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