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  1. Texas Wolfman

    Sorry for the downtimes today

    Working on the database server, might be up and down a bit today.
  2. Texas Wolfman

    Problem logging in

    I know recently many of you have probably come across the issue of not being able to log in. This has been solved but let me kn
  3. Texas Wolfman

    Weekend is here!

    Time to relax the mind. Get out and do something!
  4. Texas Wolfman

    NEW! Weekly Digest Email.

    Did you get the new weekly digest email today? Dont worry we are not going to spam you. Only members who have already set preferences to receive emails will have got it. I ran tests on my end and everything looked good. I want to be certain that if there was any problems on your end that I...
  5. Texas Wolfman

    Bacon is done!

    BLT for dinner?
  6. Texas Wolfman

    Jon Jones Arrest Footage

  7. Texas Wolfman

    News Now Houston trial delayed again

    With the trial now delayed until July 13, 2022 it leaves plenty of time for folks to catch up on his case filings.

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