Now that Saw-ool is gone


Registered User
Jan 22, 2022
Does it fall to the glorious Fezant to have a total breakdown in this forum to make it exciting again? I figure a good amount of meth and staying awake 7-10 days should suffice to create psychosis. I cannot fund this all by myself so I am E-begging you all here. Think of it as a 1A audit to the deepest depths of my psyche and Id. My CashApp is $Mormishman694U


Registered User
Feb 16, 2022
Does it fall to the glorious Fezant to have a total breakdown in this forum to make it exciting again? I figure a good amount of meth and staying awake 7-10 days should suffice to create psychosis. I cannot fund this all by myself so I am E-begging you all here. Think of it as a 1A audit to the deepest depths of my psyche and Id. My CashApp is $Mormishman694U
View attachment 1941
LOVE this MEME!!!!


Registered User
Feb 16, 2022
Does it fall to the glorious Fezant to have a total breakdown in this forum to make it exciting again? I figure a good amount of meth and staying awake 7-10 days should suffice to create psychosis. I cannot fund this all by myself so I am E-begging you all here. Think of it as a 1A audit to the deepest depths of my psyche and Id. My CashApp is $Mormishman694U
View attachment 1941
PS - What happened to Saul? Seriously, he chickened out of FaanClub?

Dr. Dave Debunker

Registered User
Dec 25, 2021
Does it fall to the glorious Fezant to have a total breakdown in this forum to make it exciting again? I figure a good amount of meth and staying awake 7-10 days should suffice to create psychosis. I cannot fund this all by myself so I am E-begging you all here. Think of it as a 1A audit to the deepest depths of my psyche and Id. My CashApp is $Mormishman694U
View attachment 1941
Saw-oool is a perfect match for little Joey!


Registered User
Jun 17, 2021
Saw-oool is a perfect match for little Joey!
How so, Doc? How can you predict perfect matches without even reviewing a profile? On your stream last night, you said, "I know nothing about Saul. I don't know him from a bag of beans. I wouldn't know him if he was standing right in front of me."

That sounds fairly conclusive to me that you don't know anything about me. So what criteria can you possibly be using to determine who are perfect matches? Seriously. Guessing? Magic 8-ball?

And then there are the old sayings, "Birds of a feather flock together" and conversely, "Opposites attract". So how do you know which applies here? Or could I be neither. Just straight down the middle of the road and speak my mind honestly without the taking of sides dictating my opinions? Which one is it that makes me a perfect match for anybody and why?


Registered User
Apr 22, 2022
How so, Doc? How can you predict perfect matches without even reviewing a profile? On your stream last night, you said, "I know nothing about Saul. I don't know him from a bag of beans. I wouldn't know him if he was standing right in front of me."

That sounds fairly conclusive to me that you don't know anything about me. So what criteria can you possibly be using to determine who are perfect matches? Seriously. Guessing? Magic 8-ball?

And then there are the old sayings, "Birds of a feather flock together" and conversely, "Opposites attract". So how do you know which applies here? Or could I be neither. Just straight down the middle of the road and speak my mind honestly without the taking of sides dictating my opinions? Which one is it that makes me a perfect match for anybody and why?
Well Saul we all say you kissing Joey's behind on his streams over the weekend. Your head is so far up his behind that you need to remove it and get some fresh air.


Registered User
Jun 17, 2021
Well Saul we all say you kissing Joey's behind on his streams over the weekend. Your head is so far up his behind that you need to remove it and get some fresh air.
My camera is blacked out. How are you able to see where my head and lips are?


Registered User
Jun 17, 2021
Oh, trust me we all know you were sucking up to Joey. You are a loser Saul and you have showed your true colors to everyone.
Sure. You're another internet seer. You know me from the inside out!! You're a dime a dozen. You want to know the answer to every question in the universe? You want Superman X infinity? Just ask an internet facade. They know all, see all, be all. As God said to Moses, "I AM". That's you!! And 3 billion other internet deities! ROFLMAO (really). MAD????? "Bro, are you mad?". I never laughed so hard in my life at some of the things you internet deities with facades come out with after I post something. After I post ANYthing at all. I love to see how it gets bended and twisted, it's funny, I swear, I'm not kidding.


Registered User
Jan 22, 2022
Sure. You're another internet seer. You know me from the inside out!! You're a dime a dozen. You want to know the answer to every question in the universe? You want Superman X infinity? Just ask an internet facade. They know all, see all, be all. As God said to Moses, "I AM". That's you!! And 3 billion other internet deities! ROFLMAO (really). MAD????? "Bro, are you mad?". I never laughed so hard in my life at some of the things you internet deities with facades come out with after I post something. After I post ANYthing at all. I love to see how it gets bended and twisted, it's funny, I swear, I'm not kidding.
I think that you are kitten around right meow...


Registered User
Jun 17, 2021
I think that you are kitten around and I mean right meow!
View attachment 1948
I have singlehandedly, by virtue of the HATE generated towards me, transformed this forum from what probably started out as pro-cop-watcher, pro 1AA auditor leaning, to HATRED, not dislike, for anyone in the 1AA arena. And it wasn't intentional. It just happened. Just by my standing on principle, and not caving into peer/tribe pressure to bash an auditor that I thought could change the industry, thereby generating enough hatred for me and me alone, that people will hate ANYONE, EVERYONE in the field. Auditors, Frauditors, and what have you.

Look at the posts. Sure, I pointed out the hypocrisy of frauditors. But I never advocated harm against them with the type of vitriol here and now I see on full display. It's a forum of hate. Tell me I'm wrong.

The forum was conceived with a smiling emoji having a good time, holding a camera snapping pictures. Cute, happy little fella. PRO-camera. And now a common intense hatred of me, AN UNKNOWN ENTITIY AT THAT, has unified everyone's focus similarly, to anyone or anything perceived to be even remotely related to 1AA.

I truly believe I am the most hated person in the community and that given the opportunity to push a button causing me to literally burst into flames, remotely of course, they would do it. Which is actually funny, because I may not even be 1 person. I may be two. Or three. Who knows?

At the same time, it's also very sad to see how people hate and how vehemently over nothing at all.
A thing I never advocated anywhere. PEACE between adversaries. Like Doc, Like Joseph, Like Audit Them, is all I've ever advocated. Look at the chats on Doc's channel.When everyone is yelling for blood. I'm calling for quashing it (and yes. The word is QUASH a beef. Not squash).

Time to Bash Bash Bash. Let me have it!!! lol


Registered User
Jan 22, 2022
I have singlehandedly, by virtue of the HATE generated towards me, transformed this forum from what probably started out as pro-cop-watcher, pro 1AA auditor leaning, to HATRED, not dislike, for anyone in the 1AA arena. And it wasn't intentional. It just happened. Just by my standing on principle, and not caving into peer/tribe pressure to bash an auditor that I thought could change the industry, thereby generating enough hatred for me and me alone, that people will hate ANYONE, EVERYONE in the field. Auditors, Frauditors, and what have you.

Look at the posts. Sure, I pointed out the hypocrisy of frauditors. But I never advocated harm against them with the type of vitriol here and now I see on full display. It's a forum of hate. Tell me I'm wrong.

The forum was conceived with a smiling emoji having a good time, holding a camera snapping pictures. Cute, happy little fella. PRO-camera. And now a common intense hatred of me, AN UNKNOWN ENTITIY AT THAT, has unified everyone's focus similarly, to anyone or anything perceived to be even remotely related to 1AA.

I truly believe I am the most hated person in the community and that given the opportunity to push a button causing me to literally burst into flames, remotely of course, they would do it. Which is actually funny, because I may not even be 1 person. I may be two. Or three. Who knows?

At the same time, it's also very sad to see how people hate and how vehemently over nothing at all.
A thing I never advocated anywhere. PEACE between adversaries. Like Doc, Like Joseph, Like Audit Them, is all I've ever advocated. Look at the chats on Doc's channel.When everyone is yelling for blood. I'm calling for quashing it (and yes. The word is QUASH a beef. Not squash).

Time to Bash Bash Bash. Let me have it!!! lol
LOZ I was making a cat joke, unless there is something deeply wrong with me that is not exactly calling for blood....


Registered User
Mar 31, 2022
I have singlehandedly, by virtue of the HATE generated towards me, transformed this forum from what probably started out as pro-cop-watcher, pro 1AA auditor leaning, to HATRED, not dislike, for anyone in the 1AA arena. And it wasn't intentional. It just happened. Just by my standing on principle, and not caving into peer/tribe pressure to bash an auditor that I thought could change the industry, thereby generating enough hatred for me and me alone, that people will hate ANYONE, EVERYONE in the field. Auditors, Frauditors, and what have you.

Look at the posts. Sure, I pointed out the hypocrisy of frauditors. But I never advocated harm against them with the type of vitriol here and now I see on full display. It's a forum of hate. Tell me I'm wrong.

The forum was conceived with a smiling emoji having a good time, holding a camera snapping pictures. Cute, happy little fella. PRO-camera. And now a common intense hatred of me, AN UNKNOWN ENTITIY AT THAT, has unified everyone's focus similarly, to anyone or anything perceived to be even remotely related to 1AA.

I truly believe I am the most hated person in the community and that given the opportunity to push a button causing me to literally burst into flames, remotely of course, they would do it. Which is actually funny, because I may not even be 1 person. I may be two. Or three. Who knows?

At the same time, it's also very sad to see how people hate and how vehemently over nothing at all.
A thing I never advocated anywhere. PEACE between adversaries. Like Doc, Like Joseph, Like Audit Them, is all I've ever advocated. Look at the chats on Doc's channel.When everyone is yelling for blood. I'm calling for quashing it (and yes. The word is QUASH a beef. Not squash).

Time to Bash Bash Bash. Let me have it!!! lol
Answer this one Saul, how do you justify sucking up to little Joey after he asked his people to go after Frauditor Trolls children, also you are big on gangster lore and as you know families are never touched, your new buddy breaks all the rules of human decency and you still stick by him, is that the type of man that you are?
PS. Before you try and justify it with “they are only coming after them with cameras” would you want complete strangers coming after your children and filming them plus when little Joey puts out the call, he doesn't know what nut jobs are going to answer, just look at the calibre of followers he has for instance you being a prime example.


Registered User
Jan 22, 2022
I have singlehandedly, by virtue of the HATE generated towards me, transformed this forum from what probably started out as pro-cop-watcher, pro 1AA auditor leaning, to HATRED, not dislike, for anyone in the 1AA arena. And it wasn't intentional. It just happened. Just by my standing on principle, and not caving into peer/tribe pressure to bash an auditor that I thought could change the industry, thereby generating enough hatred for me and me alone, that people will hate ANYONE, EVERYONE in the field. Auditors, Frauditors, and what have you.

Look at the posts. Sure, I pointed out the hypocrisy of frauditors. But I never advocated harm against them with the type of vitriol here and now I see on full display. It's a forum of hate. Tell me I'm wrong.

The forum was conceived with a smiling emoji having a good time, holding a camera snapping pictures. Cute, happy little fella. PRO-camera. And now a common intense hatred of me, AN UNKNOWN ENTITIY AT THAT, has unified everyone's focus similarly, to anyone or anything perceived to be even remotely related to 1AA.

I truly believe I am the most hated person in the community and that given the opportunity to push a button causing me to literally burst into flames, remotely of course, they would do it. Which is actually funny, because I may not even be 1 person. I may be two. Or three. Who knows?

At the same time, it's also very sad to see how people hate and how vehemently over nothing at all.
A thing I never advocated anywhere. PEACE between adversaries. Like Doc, Like Joseph, Like Audit Them, is all I've ever advocated. Look at the chats on Doc's channel.When everyone is yelling for blood. I'm calling for quashing it (and yes. The word is QUASH a beef. Not squash).

Time to Bash Bash Bash. Let me have it!!! lol
LOLZ I cannot help it!

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