Dr Dave joins list of frauditors?


Registered User
Mar 28, 2022
@Dr. Dave Debunker accidently showed his gmail inbox during a livestream 2 days ago . He deleted the livestream as soon as Team Skeptic exposed him. His email showed an order confirmation from QQTube which a company that sells comments, views, likes etc for YouTube channels. He's always bragging about his views and subs going up but its been a complete fake this entire time. He has become exactly the people he makes videos about - what an imbecile.


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Registered User
Jul 30, 2021
@Dr. Dave Debunker accidently showed his gmail inbox during a livestream 2 days ago . He deleted the livestream as soon as Team Skeptic exposed him. His email showed an order confirmation from QQTube which a company that sells comments, views, likes etc for YouTube channels. He's always bragging about his views and subs going up but its been a complete fake this entire time. He has become exactly the people he makes videos about - what an imbecile.

Come on now. Isn't that reaching a little bit? As far as I know, which is only as much or less than others, is that he posts videos of Fraudidorks doing their nasty business. He's not out there harassing LEO, is he? Or going into a PS trying with a gun and mask on to "audit" his 2nd amendment right, is he? I get it, a lot of people, for whatever reason have a hard on to really dislike this guy, but to put someone in the gutter, below the gutter, for having to buy some subs to make his channel look like it's doing better than it is, isn't any better than a Frauditor themselves, IMO.

Dutch Phoenix

Registered User
Apr 24, 2022
Hes a raging douchebag Trumper. Like Donny Thimbledick he thinks hes God and smarter than everyone and lies constantly. "Oh when I said that racist thing it wasn't racist, I didn't mean that! You're just attacking me because you're jealous of my great content!"

Coach K

Registered User
Nov 26, 2021
@Dr. Dave Debunker accidently showed his gmail inbox during a livestream 2 days ago . He deleted the livestream as soon as Team Skeptic exposed him. His email showed an order confirmation from QQTube which a company that sells comments, views, likes etc for YouTube channels. He's always bragging about his views and subs going up but its been a complete fake this entire time. He has become exactly the people he makes videos about - what an imbecile.
@Dr. Dave Debunker accidently showed his gmail inbox during a livestream 2 days ago . He deleted the livestream as soon as Team Skeptic exposed him. His email showed an order confirmation from QQTube which a company that sells comments, views, likes etc for YouTube channels. He's always bragging about his views and subs going up but its been a complete fake this entire time. He has become exactly the people he makes videos about - what an imbecile.
I'm sure any information that comes from a coward who goes by "Activist" is 100% reliable, right??? Let me guess Mr Activist, Dr Dave hurt your little fragile feelings by not giving you a wrench and now you're on a mission to get your revenge, right? You're a pathetic loser that nobody pays attention to and you're angry.

Elk Liver

Registered User
Jul 27, 2022
I'm sure any information that comes from a coward who goes by "Activist" is 100% reliable, right??? Let me guess Mr Activist, Dr Dave hurt your little fragile feelings by not giving you a wrench and now you're on a mission to get your revenge, right? You're a pathetic loser that nobody pays attention to and you're angry.
Can you show us on the Doll where Activist hurt you? You sound a little angry or hurt? Nik Volt beat you out for President of the Dr Dave fan club?

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