Dr. Dave Beer covers SGV News First duo: Jose Gonzalez & David Chavez arrests


Registered User
Jun 17, 2021
... for trespassing and being a pair of bloviating twits..

One morbidly obese, the other skeletally scrawny, they remind me of:


Note to Doctor Dave, trying to figure out what that is on Fat Jose McTits' head and neck. It's FAT. Disgusting rolls of it under what appears to be filth-encrusted skin on the back of his neck and skull and more pockets of fat under the skin of what appears to be a filthy scalp.

While muscle mass can be shaped and gained symmetrically according to a training regime's goals, when combined effectively with solid, sound nutrition and adequate rest, FAT, as seen on the clinically obese, is accrued haphazardly. The fat will go where it wants to; where the body can and will store it.

Most clinically obese store some in their necks, a small percentage store it in back of the head and scalp like Fat Joe McTits here. It's typically genetically predisposed as to WHERE and to what extent areas will store fat.

So that's all that is, Doc. Just rolls, waves, and pockets of disgusting fat. Nothing exotic. Nothing you can't achieve yourself if you're willing to eat with two fists (that should be his Indian name, "Eat with Two Fists", like a *advertiser censored* pig, for decades, abusing your body and organs because you have no respect for yourself or anything else.

My main question about the arrest is as to whether or not they were carrying their HARDware. Guns. The typical cast of SGV street gang reprobates were missing. Guys like Downey, that "mule" the heavy weapons off site quickly, sneaking away to hide them, Mexican prison tactics, when they become aware that the police are definitely on their way.

Did Laurel and Hardon carry here, and get arrested with the guns on them, in which case "good luck, ET call home" when they're booked, or only their stun guns, chemical sprays, and shivs? Did they have the presence of mind to leave the pea-shooters in the car or at home since this was a library and not a warehouse?

You've got to say to yourself, "What kind of consummate cowards won't confront and threaten even the SOFTEST of targets without their mace, tasers, and pepper spray?". The street gang of shame. What a *advertiser censored* disgrace this "Crew of Cowardice" is.

I wonder if they make this in 10X :

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