Long Island Audit: Sean Paul Reyes, YouTube Nov. ad revenue: $44,500!!


Registered User
Jun 17, 2021
And once again, here's Long Island Audit's GO FUND ME page.

Fundraiser by SEANPAUL REYES : Support the fight against Tyranny & Corruption! (gofundme.com)

$44,000 per month from youtube revenue according to youtube ad revenue analystics = $528,000 PER YEAR+ merchandise + paypal donations + donations from other platforms and interest = a probably total income on pace for well over $1,000,000 yearly and with 100,000 subscribers' donating potential = likely a lot more than $1 Mil, but STILL has the balls to run go fund me drives.


Registered User
Jun 17, 2021
What's actually interesting about the analytics is that since LIA started producing less videos of his making the rounds doing his usual ball busting and instead, producing more videos of his making speeches to his followers about his lawsuits and corruption busting (a fatal mistake that killed Lenny Bruce's career when he started bringing his court transcripts onstage and read from them as his routine instead of telling jokes), his ad revenue projection had decreased.

Unless his GoFundMe, and other payment platform donations have picked up to take up the slack, perhaps he should reconsider the current path he's embarked upon as the one less profitable, of course, totally dependent upon finding that big pot of gold at the end of that Lawsuit Lotto rainbow.

However, there is youtube speculation online that the money taken in thusfar on LIA's GoFundMe page has NOT been used for his stated mission to subsidize his attorney fees:



Registered User
Jun 17, 2021
After studying the day by day ad revenue analytics day by day, and matching those stats up to the content of the videos posted on those days, I can see a trend and will make a forecast.

While there may be a small to slightly moderate % of LIA's viewers that have an interest in the actual nuts and bolts of his cornucopia of complaints, lawsuits, court cases, etc., etc. and are just as engrossed with 30 to 90 minute videos of his going on and on about them, analytics appear to trend far more in favor of his AUDITING VIDEOS for clicks from his base of subscribers and followers.

They prefer to see videos where the dancing bear dances, rather than talk about dancing. They want to see the pointlessly infantile, beta-male oriented, passive-aggressive needling and condescension that they feel he's mastered so well. They want action. They don't want to see the bear retreat into a cave, huddling with paperwork, going over the same thing over and over again, 50 times the same things said in the same video, over and over, threatening evil doers who want you to sign in at govt. buildings and vowing to bring all the world's corruption like that to a screeching halt.

They want to see the dancing bear make mad dashes from tree to tree, cave to cave, in a forest full of hunters.

He'll learn. His viewers want to see auditing. Not lawyering. And the declining day by day analytics, matched up against the videos show this trend since he's posting more monologues than he had been of audits.


Registered User
Dec 6, 2022


Registered User
Mar 14, 2022
An interesting article from Law Enforcement Today. They all know. They're wise to his antics. I can't figure out if he's overestimated himself or underestimated everybody else. "Pride goes before the fall".

Wanna-be "journalist" drives around New York, Connecticut inciting police (lawenforcementtoday.com)
The above article is a good read. It has him down to a T , along with every other one of these frauditors that go out and do this in the name of rights and education. They have no interest in rights, or education, they are solely in it to make money and to harass, And in my opinion to Shane , who ever they can. I have no problem with people filming, and I’m sure the law has no issue with it. Either, the issue is when they interact and carry on the way they do .99% of these videos, the people have no issue with the filming, it is with the behaviour that goes along with it these frauditors are like little children, that hide behind their mothers dress, poking their tongues out of people as they pass by. It is the same thing, hiding behind a right.
one other issue I have and the law needs to catch up. They say you can film what the eyes can see, that was fine years ago, but most modern equipment has very good zoom functions, this was not thought of or an issue when it was said “ that you have a right to film what the eyes can see” so even standing in a public place and your eyes can see a screen but unable to read it, by zooming in you will be able to !
one of the other things they say. They need to create the privacy. Well they are by telling you to F off and not film.
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Registered User
Apr 9, 2023
After studying the day by day ad revenue analytics day by day, and matching those stats up to the content of the videos posted on those days, I can see a trend and will make a forecast.

While there may be a small to slightly moderate % of LIA's viewers that have an interest in the actual nuts and bolts of his cornucopia of complaints, lawsuits, court cases, etc., etc. and are just as engrossed with 30 to 90 minute videos of his going on and on about them, analytics appear to trend far more in favor of his AUDITING VIDEOS for clicks from his base of subscribers and followers.

They prefer to see videos where the dancing bear dances, rather than talk about dancing. They want to see the pointlessly infantile, beta-male oriented, passive-aggressive needling and condescension that they feel he's mastered so well. They want action. They don't want to see the bear retreat into a cave, huddling with paperwork, going over the same thing over and over again, 50 times the same things said in the same video, over and over, threatening evil doers who want you to sign in at govt. buildings and vowing to bring all the world's corruption like that to a screeching halt.

They want to see the dancing bear make mad dashes from tree to tree, cave to cave, in a forest full of hunters.

He'll learn. His viewers want to see auditing. Not lawyering. And the declining day by day analytics, matched up against the videos show this trend since he's posting more monologues than he had been of audits.

This didn’t age well, huh?

What were you saying about pride and falling?

STFU next time, pretentious douche.


Registered User
Jul 21, 2023


Registered User
Jul 21, 2023
Federal Lawsuit Press Conference | SeanPaul Reyes V. NYPD Commissioner | Enough Is Enough!

note the thunderous round of applause at the end of lawyers speech ...

Police Departments

As discussed earlier, many jurisdictions have recognized a right to record police activities in traditional public forums. However, there is limited case law analyzing the interior of a police department as a forum for First Amendment purposes. The case law that does exist indicates that the interior of a police department is a nonpublic forum. The Seventh Circuit has held that the interior of a police station is “not a public forum.” The Southern District of New York has recognized NYPD meeting rooms as nonpublic forums. Likewise, the Central District of California has held that a police station is a nonpublic forum. In a decision affirmed by the Eighth Circuit, the Western District of Missouri held that a plaintiff had no constitutional right to videotape a police department lobby. Similarly, the Superior Court of Pennsylvania has upheld a “no-filming” restriction imposed in the lobby of a police department as a reasonable restraint on free speech.
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Registered User
Aug 8, 2022

this Sean Paul Reyes (long island auditor)

is the same as this Sean Paul Reyes (rapper multimillionaire)

I doubt he needs the money he earns from youtube.
That 2nd link is a conflation of SEANPAUL REYES convicted felon and career criminal trespasser and
Sean Paul Ryan Francis Henriques
  • Rapper
  • singer
  • songwriter
  • actor
, Probably not quite as toxic a POS.

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