Pink Camera Magic Criminal History. Part 1


Staff member
Mar 8, 2019
As the criminal history is posted in two parts, I am copying the below comment to both posts so that discussion can be had on either post.

I am shocked that the posting of these criminal charges has not elicited a single response or comment. It is my opinion that like Earl David Worden (News Now Houston) Amanda Bergquist (Pink Camera Magic) has/had a substantial and loyal following, but that does not explain the lack of comments in this forum or discussion of it via YouTube videos and chat. Both NNH and PCM have two felony convictions.

Is there a double standard for men as compared to women? Is there such a hatred or despise for NNH that his crimes deserve greater scrutiny than PCM. All the crimes that had convictions also had victims. Are the victims of one type of crime worthy of more or less outcry from the community?

One of PCM's convictions involves prostitution, which is commonly referred to as "the oldest profession known to man." Is this the basis of the different treatments? Is it because prostitution is viewed by many as a victimless crime? Is it because a woman should have the right to due with her body as she chooses? These are all valid questions and worthy of discussion, but does not explain the lack of discussion within "the community" and those following it.

As an observer of the Frist Amendment Auditors previously known as "the community" I personally followed both NNH and PCM. I respected their works and their auditing style. I was aware they both had criminal history and both were deceptive in what they shared and to whom.

It is not my intent to see a "witch" hunt on the auditor(s) or their supporter(s). It is my understanding that both NNH and PCM have served all or the majority of any sentence(s) received. I repeat my earlier question of is there a double standard or a logical reason why one auditor is treated in one manner while a similar auditor is treated so differently?


Staff member
Mar 8, 2019
I actually was not aware of Amanda's past so if she's lied to people about it, I'm unaware of it. It seems very few auditors have no criminal background. Earl has my attention though for many reasons. For one, his crime was particularly heinous. He lied to everyone about the rape and continues to lie to this day. He hurts the people who expose him by spreading lies about them. Now he's accused of molesting his children. In my mind, there is no comparison between Earl and Pink so I just don't see it as a double standard.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2019
I actually was not aware of Amanda's past so if she's lied to people about it, I'm unaware of it
I agree, unless someone asked about some ones, past most people are not inclined to openly discuss these things. Nor in my opinion are they obligated to. However, if they are discussing the subject they need to be honest and not lie about it.

For one, his crime was particularly heinous.
There is no doubt the crime the EDW is accused of is heinous and most would not dispute that. However are his allegations worse than the crime he was convicted of? For the victims, I would argue they are equally traumatic and will impact them for the remainder of their lives.

He lied to everyone about the rape and continues to lie to this day. He hurts the people who expose him by spreading lies about them.
In my opinion, it is the lies of EDW that brought much of the attention and ire of the community. Had he been truthful about his past, the efforts and focus would not have been as severe. Many would have been much more willing to let the courts do their thing and then we will react.

In an effort to "save face" EDW has struck out at some of his most ardent supporters until they found out they had been lied to. As a child I was taught that id I told a lie, I would have to tell thousands more to try to keep the original lie believable. This is very evident in the case of EDW.

there is no comparison between Earl and Pink so I just don't see it as a double standard.
My initial comments were not an attempt to compare the crimes of Pink Camera Magic to the crimes of Earl David Worden. When I spoke of a possible double standard, it was in the perceived lack of interest in PCM situation in comparison to EDW.

Since the records were posted on this forum there has been almost forty views, but only one comment. Though we do not have anything to make a direct comparison with EDW, I am confident that the views would be in the thousands.

In summary, my comments are not intended to be an attack on either EDW or PCM. It is my intention that we create a dialogue of how this impacts as individually and as a community. We can agree to disagree, but to pretend it does not exist is not a healthy position.

Holy War

Registered User
Mar 27, 2019
Hmmmm, Pink apparently "mentored" and oddited with "Huckleberry Auditor". Huckie has been abusively and aggressively cyberstalking and harrassing TheresaR and me across social media. Why does Pink/Amanda "protect " this abusive guy from exposure? "Professional criminal courtesy"?


Staff member
Mar 8, 2019
Hmmmm, Pink apparently "mentored" and oddited with "Huckleberry Auditor". Huckie has been abusively and aggressively cyber stalking and harassing TheresaR and me across social media. Why does Pink/Amanda "protect " this abusive guy from exposure? "Professional criminal courtesy"?
Holy, your comments are valued and appreciated. I do not want to minimize any abusive or bullying activity of "Huckleberry Auditor" and encourage you to pursue any and all lawful activities to hold Huckleberry Auditor accountable.

I would like to ask you your view of the different reactions of the community to the charges against PCM and EDW?


Registered User
Mar 27, 2019
I think the community has learnt it's lesson in being trusting of new auditors and will have to scrutinise more often what past criminal history some auditors have.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2019
I think the community has learnt it's lesson in being trusting of new auditors and will have to scrutinise more often what past criminal history some auditors have.
Couple questions if you do not mind.
1. Are there any crimes that in your opinion should restrict or prevent a person from conducting either a First or Second (legally) Amendment audit?
2. If yes, why?
3. If the auditor is using just a screen name or channel, how does the community find their criminal history?

I personally do not know if there is an easy answer to any of these questions. I do appreciate your joining the conversation and providing your insight. Thank you,

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